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Conversation groups
Practice your French and improve your fluency
Levels A2+, B1, B2, C1, C2
This online conversation workshop offers a programme based on the study of authentic documents to work on oral production and listening comprehension.
Press review of the day (comment on current events to warm up)
Presentation of the day's topic based on an authentic document (video etc.)
Debate, exchange of opinions in order to use the vocabulary corresponding to the day's theme.
Activities based on the lexicon of the day
You will be able to:
Improve your fluidity
Get corrections and suggestions for improvement
Speak more authentic French
Develop your self-confidence
Enjoy a convivial moment
Deepen your knowledge of French culture.

90 mn class
1 class / week during 6 weeks
starting from September 4 th 2023
Groups from 2 to 6 persons
Choose your schedule:
- 14h - 15h30h
- Tuesdays 9h-10h30
- Wednesdays 15h-16h30
Times GMT +1
Registration form
Registration by email subject to availability and a minimum of 2 participants.
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